Youth Ministry
"As Jesus with the disciples of Emmaus, so the Church must become today, the traveling companion of young people." - Saint Pope John Paul II
St. Theresa's Youth Ministry is open to middle school, high school, college, and university students. Its mission is to give the youth of the parish opportunities to
gather for fellowship
minister to others within and outside the parish
learn about their faith and grow in it
Youth Leader
• A unique opportunity for Youth Ministry training, where adult and youth leaders learn together in a fun and collaborative process. Such training programs are rare. Usually, there are training opportunities specifically for adult youth ministers or for youth, but in Youth Leader they journey together.
• A high-quality leadership development program facilitated by highly-qualified Catholic Ministry Development Trainers. Youth and adults will gain leadership skills that they can use in ministry and beyond.
• A gateway for the unique talents of our youth to flourish! Together with loving adult leaders in the community who will journey with and empower them, our youth will gain confidence to share their gifts in our parish communities, in their schools, and also with society at large.
• Perfectly-timed so that our Youth Ministry teams can gain training, be energized by prayer, skills, knowledge and fellowship, and then go back to their communities with zeal for ministry in the fall!
The Archdiocese of Winnipeg Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry offers Youth Leader Ministry Training Sessions. For more details, please go to our Archdiocesan Youth Leader website. For any questions contact Christian Martinez, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Archdiocese of Winnipeg.
Youth Confirmation
If you are between grade 8 and grade 11 you can attend the Youth Confirmation classes at St. Theresa's. Confirmation usually takes place annually during Mass with our parish community, and is usually conferred by our Archbishop, although Pastors and other priests can be delegated to confer Confirmation. The requirements for this sacrament at St. Theresa's are that the youth has made First Communion and is in at least grade 8. Youth must also have taken Level 7 Catechism prior to taking the Confirmation classes.
Confirmation for those who are grade 11 or older occurs at the Easter Vigil, following preparation for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) see Adult Ministry. Please contact Father David for further information.