Contact Us

Pastor- Father Kelly Wilson

3597 Main Street, West St. Paul, Manitoba R4A 5A2

Father Kelly's Email - 

Reverend Mr. John Kunicki, Deacon

Parish Staff

Custodian:   Joe Melo

Office- 204 339-2649  | Email -

Parish Pastoral Council

Facilitator:    Father Kelly

Secretary: Joanne Foster

Members: Father Kelly, Deacon John Kunicki, Laura Kwiatkowski, Joanne Foster,  Monique Milne, Peggy & Gary Dion


Cheryl Prokopanko & Nonato Nitafan

Ministry Coordinators

Adult Faith Formation - Don Kasianchuk

Altar Servers - Fr Kelly Wilson

Art & Environment -  

Baptism Preparation  - Steve Gadient 

Bible Study - Don Kasianchuk 

Catechism -  Bernard Alibudbud & Chloe Ryan

Children's Liturgy  - 

Collection Counters - Parish Office 

Communion to the Sick - Fr Kelly Wilson

Catholic Women's League - Claudette Peters

Development and Peace -

Extraordinary Ministers -  Fr Kelly Wilson

Food Bank - Steve Gadient

Hall Rentals - Parish Office

Knights of Columbus - Ed Nizio (Grand Knight)

Maintenance - Joe Melo

Marriage Preparation - Father Kelly Wilson

Middlechurch Home - Parish Office

Music – Saturday - Jean  & Dennis Weselowski

Music – Sunday* - Joanna Gustave & Cindy Hlatky

Parish Finance Council -  Father Kelly Wilson

Parish Pastoral Council -  Father Kelly Wilson

Perogy Making - Claudette Peters

RCIA - Father Kelly Wilson

Readers/Lectors - Parish Office

Sacristans - Grace Johnston

Stewardship - Don Kasianchuk

Sunday Hospitality - Laura Kwiatkowski

Ushers - Jean Weselowski

Visitation of the Sick - Parish Office

Website* - Cheryl Prokopanko

Website* - Nonato Nitafan

Welcome Ministry - Cheri Kasianchuk

Youth Ministry -