Liturgical Ministries

"I have come not to be served, but to serve." - Matthew 20:28

The Ministry of Greeting is a source of warmth and welcome to those gathering for the celebration of the liturgy, including parishioners, visitors, and newcomers. Contact: Helene Gowryluk if you wish to join this ministry. Orientation will be provided for new greeters.

The Ushering Ministry helps to facilitate the smooth collection of the offertory and the procession of the gifts, as well as to distribute worship aids and bulletins. Contact: Jean Weselowski if you wish to become an usher. Orientation will be provided for new ushers.

The Music Ministry calls together those willing to share their gifts of music and song to help set the tone for the Mass and facilitate the full, conscious, and active participation of the gathered assembly. It enhances the liturgy by providing appropriate music selections for the various parts of the Mass, and the liturgical seasons of the church year. At St. Theresa’s we have one music ministry for the Saturday evening (anticipated Sunday) Mass and one music ministry for the Sunday morning Mass. Both choirs are always looking for new people to join. If you would like to join the music ministry, contact: Cindy Hlatky or Joanna Gustave for the Sunday choir, or Jean Foster, or Kathy Gadient for the Saturday choir.

The Ministry of Altar Serving assists to ensure the celebration of the liturgy runs smoothly. A cross bearer/sacramentary holder and two acolytes participate in this ministry to bring dignity and grace to the each movement in the assembly’s act of worship. Any children in grade 4 or above, who have received First Communion, are eligible to become altar servers. Training sessions are conducted annually for new altar servers. Contact: Father David if your child wishes to join this ministry.

The Ministry of Lector ensures that the Word of God during the liturgy is proclaimed in a vibrant and life-giving manner. Parishioners of all ages who participate in this ministry allow their voices to become the incarnate Word of God for the gathered assembly. Contact Doris Pavlick if you would like to serve as a Lector, and let her know whether you would like to read at either the Saturday evening or Sunday morning Mass. Orientation will be provided for new Lectors.

The Ministry of Extraordinary Minister is to prepare the elements for the celebration of the Eucharist, to assist with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful, and to purify the sacred vessels after Communion. At each Mass at St. Theresa’s we have one Extraordinary Minister for the Body of Christ, and four for the Blood of Christ. Rob Laycock coordinates this ministry. Extraordinary Ministers are appointed to this ministry by the Archbishop. Orientation will be provided for new Extraordinary Ministers.

The Liturgical Art and Environment Ministry uses basic liturgical principles to set an atmosphere for worship through decorating for various needs, seasons, or church themes, and feasts such as Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.

Very occasionally, there are situations in the absence of a priest or deacon on a Sunday when the pastor at St Theresa's appoints lay persons to conduct a Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion. During this Lay Led Liturgy, the music ministry, the ministers of the word and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist lead the congregation in celebration. Contact John Kunicki for more information about Lay Led Liturgies.

Mass Schedule

St. Theresa's Parish

Anticipated Sunday Mass - Saturdays at 5:15pm

Confession every Thursday/Friday/Saturday - 4:00-5:00 p.m.

Sunday Mass - Sundays at 11:00am.

St. Margaret Parish (tentatively scheduled to start September 13, 2020)

103 Little Britain Road, Lockport

Sunday Mass - Sundays at 9:00am.

Request a Mass

To request that a Mass be celebrated for a special intention, please plan ahead with Father David to arrange a suitable date by filling out one of the Mass Request envelopes found at the back of the church, or contact the Parish Office 204-339-2649. Suggested offering for a special intention Mass is $10.00.