Parish Finance Council

The Parish Finance Council assists with assessing, budgeting, and accounting for the financial needs of the parish. The council is made up of Parish Trustees and other members who have skills and experience in finance, business, or accounting. They prepare the annual budget and financial statements, and meet quarterly to review, discuss, and discern the financial goals and needs of the parish. For more information about the St. Theresa's Parish Finance Council contact

Pre-Authorized Debit Plan

Sign up now to make your contributions to the running of our parish more convenient and reliable using pre-authorized debit. The greater the number of parishioners who contribute through a Preauthorized Debit Agreement arrangement, the better the Parish Financial Council is able to manage the monthly expenditures and any funding for special projects throughout the year. Please consider enrolling in our Parish's Pre-authorized Debit Plan by completing the enrollment form and including it with your offering at Mass.

PAD Agreement Form (2025).pdf

Collection Counting Ministry

After every weekend, the people in the Collection Counting Ministry count the collection given to the Parish, and record the amounts given in envelopes for income tax purposes. Throughout the year there are also special collections such as

Donations and Offerings

Donations and offerings are gratefully accepted for the support of St. Theresa's Parish and are acknowledged with a tax receipt at the end of each year. Donations and offerings can be made at weekly Masses, through pre-authorized debit, or at any time in memory of a loved one or for some other cause. Contact the Parish Office at 204-339-2649.