Outreach Ministries
“Prayer begets faith, faith begets love, and love begets service on behalf of the poor.” - Mother Teresa of Calcutta
In an attempt to act out our mission of social justice, many members of St. Theresa's Parish volunteer in the wider community of West St. Paul, Winnipeg, and internationally, to reach out and share their gifts of
Welcome Ministry
The Welcome Ministry does just that. They greet and meet by calling each new Parishioner to welcome them into our church family. As well, meeting with them to provide a Welcome Package from our Parish Family.
Consider the word "Welcome". It may seem like a short word but really if you break it down, letter by letter, you would get a bigger picture and the essence of what "Welcome" really is:W-Worship, E-Embrace, L-Listen, C-Commit, O-Offer, M-Mentor, E - Everyday/Everybody "Welcome"- a word with great substance to it, with a cause and effect attached to its meaning.Have you ever considered, its meaning? - " To "Gladly" receive someone; as into one's house. "St Theresa’s Church is God's House and as members of our church community we are also all members of the one body of Christ. Therefore, let us each do our part in making our parish more welcoming. Here is where your help is needed! The Ministry of "Welcome" belongs to all of us: Young, Old, Male, Female. Parishioner, Stranger, Guest. Christ needs each of us to use our gifts to build up HIS Church, the Kingdom of God. As Christians we have a responsibility to Love God, Love Others and Make Disciples. Watch God as HE then uses also the gifts of the newly welcomed, to transform this world into a better place; a place of Hope and of Love. It all begins here at home, within our parish family and so it is with each of us to share in this role.In (Matthew 25:35) Jesus reminds us, for "... I was a stranger and you welcomed me." Welcome - Yes, it really is more than a word and the effects of our "Welcome" can last a lifetime. St. Theresa's Parish Welcome Ministry Coordinator is Cheri Kasianchuk.
Rossbrook House
Rossbrook House is a neighbourhood centre for children and youth in Winnipeg's inner-city. It offers a constant alternative to the destructive environment of the streets. Rossbrook is open 365 days of the year, 24 hours on weekends or any school holidays. Beyond the 'drop-in', a variety of recreational, arts, cultural, women's and employment development programs are offered. Rossbrook House is blessed by the generosity of a large community of friends. With your support, Rossbrook House can continue to provide safe alternatives for children and youth all year round every day of the year. Your generous donation will help create and celebrate hope.
Villa Rosa
Villa Rosa is a prenatal and postnatal residence offering a wide variety of educational, health, and social programs in a safe and nurturing environment to any single, pregnant woman or new mother from ages 11 to 30. Villa Rosa appreciates donations of a variety of items to pass on free of charge to moms and babies. Villa Rosa is happy to receive donations, located at 784 Wolseley, of items such as diapers, baby wipes, baby clothes, personal hygiene products, maternity clothes, nursing bras, etc. The Knights of Columbus Spiritual Baby Shower proceeds are donated to Villa Rosa.
Agape Table
Located at 364 Furby St. in Winnipeg, Agape Table provides one meal each weekday to anyone in need, in an atmosphere of safety, acceptance, dignity and respect. Agape Table is a table of nourishment, community, and empowerment. Guests of Agape Table are single parents, the working poor, expectant mothers, unemployed, children, seniors, people with disabilities, and other people without food. Donations of non-perishable foods, used for emergency hampers, are always welcome.
Development and Peace
Development and Peace is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas International. Parishioners of St Theresa's engage in Development and Peace campaigns such as 'Share Lent' , Poor Man's Supper, 100 Mile Dinner, and clothing drives. Development and Peace is a democratic international solidarity movement that supports partners in the Global South. It promotes social justice, improvement of the living standards and education of the poor, and develops programs for international disaster relief and food aid. It builds awareness in Canada about the causes of poverty in the world, and invites Canadians to participate in campaigns that bring about change. If you are interested in helping to organize Development and Peace activities at St. Theresa's, contact the Parish Office.
Winnipeg Harvest
Winnipeg Harvest is a non-profit, community-based organization that is a food distribution and training centre. Their goals are to collect and share surplus food with people who are hungry, and to offer training opportunities to help people step up and out of poverty. Their ultimate goal is to eliminate the need for food banks in our community. The parishioners of St. Theresa's actively contribute and deliver needed non-perishable grocery items to Winnipeg Harvest on an ongoing basis. Any donation would be greatly appreciated. You simply drop off non-perishable groceries in the bin at the back of the church. We encourage any other parishioners to join the rotation tomake deliveries. Winnipeg Harvest is located at 1085 Winnipeg Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3E 0S2. May God bless you in helping to eliminate hunger in our community.