Nightly Examen
Examination of Conscience - based on the Nightly Examen
Examination of Conscience - based on the Nightly Examen
Every night before you go to sleep, invite the Holy Spirit to help you examine your conscience and discern your sins. Reflect deeply on your activities and attitudes. Let God know what you have learned from, and that you are sorry for, any sins. Your examination of conscience is intended to jog your memory to think about sins you may have ignored, and see how they connect with each other.
- Remember to look into the past, to see what wrongs you have done.
- Remember to look at the present, to see what habits you want to break.
- Remember to look to the future, to see how you could change for the better.
"Almighty and Eternal God, show me where I have failed to respond to Your promptings and invitation to change my life this day, so that I may be free to become the best version of myself."