Catholic Women's League
The Catholic Women's League of Canada , founded in 1920, is one of the largest organizations in Canada, with over 82,000 members in every province and territory, including the military ordinate. The League is well organized and is pledged to serve all citizens of Canada. It has often received the commendation and keen appreciation of federal, provincial, and municipal authorities for the voluntary services performed by its members.
St Theresa's CWL Prayer Council #2272 Middlechurch
In 2017, since St. Theresa's CWL has no executive, our council is registered as a CWL Prayer Council. The good works that we do become part of our prayer. Our members are involved in many of the ministries at Theresa's Parish. We sponsor and support an active Prayer Shawl Ministry, Quilting Ministry (St. Theresa's Charity Quilters), and Visiting Ministry whereby we visit our sick and shut-ins. We are also involved in Ministry to the residents of Middlechurch Personal Care Home. Within the Parish itself, our members are involved as Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Greeters, and as members of our Choirs, Parish Council, and Bible Study groups. We follow and support national CWL resolutions on legislation concerning human and environmental issues.
We also fundraise to support a number of local and global charities and organizations. One of our most successful fundraisers is perogy making. This is an event that is enjoyed not only by our CWL Prayer Council members but also by many people of the Parish and in and around the community. Anyone is welcome to come help at our perogy making sessions.
To join St. Theresa's CWL Prayer Council #2272, Contact: Claudette Peters at 204-250-7345 or
The dates and times of our meetings and events are published in the weekly St. Theresa's Parish bulletin.
Our Lady of Good Counsel, pray for us!