
The members of St. Theresa's CWL Prayer Council participate in the life of our parish community and the community at large by volunteering services such as

  • Hospitality- providing receptions to celebrate Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations, and Funerals in the parish
  • **Habitat for Humanity** - providing coffee and snacks for volunteer workers
  • Soup Kitchens- preparing and serving meals at the Selkirk Soup Kitchen and the Sisters of Charity Soup Kitchen
  • **Middlechurch Nursing Home** - bringing residents to Mass; participating, reading and facilitating music at that Mass
  • Charity Quilters - sewing quilts for those in need (see below for more details)
  • **Samaritan's Purse** - assembling Christmas 'shoe boxes' for needy children overseas
  • Christmas Hampers- assembling hampers for needy families in the local community
  • **Children's Liturgy** - animating the readings of the Mass for children
  • **Children's Catechism** - teaching catechism at various grade levels
  • First Communion- providing gifts and a reception for children receiving their First Communion
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry - making and presenting prayer shawls (see below for more details)
  • Visitation of the Sick - visiting the sick of the parish

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our Mission is to provide comfort and solace in gifts of prayer shawls to the members of our parish family and community during times of serious health issues, recoveries, and bereavements, as well as in thanksgiving for years of service. Many prayers, blessings and intentions are offered for the intended recipients from each shawl’s beginning through to completion. Our ministry members meet the last Thursday of the month, most months in the fall, winter and spring at the home of one of our members. An open invitation is included in the parish bulletin with time and location.

Charity Quilters

This past year we have made and donated over 50 quilts to help the poor. Some of the less fortunate people we have helped were at Nova House (Women's Shelter), Villa Rosa (Home for Unwed Mothers), and Middlechurch Home . The residents at Middlechurch personal Care Home also received pillows as well as quilts, especially those in Palliative Care who had no one to visit them . We have also donated quilts as fundraisers to the places which requested them. All donations were for a charitable cause. We seek to be the Lord's helping hands by distributing our quilts which we have made with love and prayer.

Visitation of the Sick

If you are sick and would welcome a visit, please contact Caroline Meseric.