Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why do I need to be 'confirmed'?
You were likely baptised when you were an infant, and others such as your parents and god-parents accepted your Catholic obligations on your behalf. Now you are a youth moving toward adulthood, and able to make your own committments. Confirmation is an opportunity for you to learn more about your obligations as a practising Catholic, and to confirm that you accept them. You will also need proof of your Confirmation if you eventually expect to be married in the Catholic Church.
Who can attend Confirmation classes at St. Theresa's?
Teenagers between ages 13 to 17 who have regularly attended catechism classes from grades 1 to 7 at St Theresa's, or at another parish, can register to attend Confirmation classes at St. Theresa's.
When and where are Confirmation classes held?
Confirmation classes will be held at St Theresa's Parish for all parishioners of both parishes of St Margaret's and St Theresa's, on Saturdays from 4:30-8:30 p.m. Attendance at all sessions is mandatory!!!
The dates for 2017-18 are: September 30, 2017; October 21, 2017; November 4, 2017; November 18, 2017; December 2, 2017; January 13, 2018; February 2, 2018; March 24, 2018; April 7, 2018; May 5, 2018; June 2, 2018
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be held at St Theresa's Parish for both St Margaret's and St Theresa's parishes.
How much does it cost to attend Confirmation classes?
Cost is $72.00 per youth.
What is the Christian Service Obligation that must be fulfilled by Confirmation candidates?
Each Confirmation candidate must volunteer a minimum of 20 hours in Christian Service, in a placement approved by the teacher.
Who can be my Confirmation sponsor?
Confirmation candidates can ask any practising Catholic, 18 years or older, to act as their sponsor.
What do I wear for my Confirmation celebration?
All confirmation candidates will wear a red gown, rented from Gaspard's, during the celebration of Confirmation. Under the red gown you should wear appropriate dress clothing (no jeans, t-shirts, short skirts, revealing tops, dirty runners, or flip flops).
Who can take photos during the Confirmation Mass?
Only the official photographer is permitted to take photographs during the Confirmation Mass. Others may take photos of the Confirmation group with the Archbishop after the Mass, and during the reception.
How do we celebrate after the Confirmation Mass?
After Mass, and the group photos are taken, confirmands, their sponsors and their guests are invited down to the church hall for a reception, during which confirmands are presented with Confirmation certificates and a small gift, courtesy of the Knights of Columbus. All families contribute food to share during the reception. Often a post-confirmation BBQ is held to reflect on the experience as a group.