Sacramental Preparation: at St. Theresa's, sacraments are celebrated in the context of community where all can fully and consciously participate in supporting one another in faith formation.
This is part of the initiation of the person who seeks to join our community, whether as a child or an an adult. Baptisms can also be celebrated at other times where there is a pastoral need except during Lent unless in danger of death.
If you wish to have your child baptized at St. Theresa's, you should be a member of this parish. Baptisms of children of parents who are not members of St. Theresa's, but who belong to another parish, can only be celebrated at St. Theresa's if the Pastor of the church to which they belong gives permission. Those seeking baptism for their children need to contact Father Kelly at least three months prior to the baptism for preparation. Baptismal preparation is a requirement according to Canon Law. it includes a gathering for parents of babies about to be baptized, with basic lessons about the purpose and gift of baptism, along with preparation for the ceremony of the sacrament. Please contact the Parish Office for further information.
Baptism of adults, occurs at the Easter Vigil following preparation for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) see Adult Ministry.
At the appropriate age and after a time of preparation, a child can be considered ready to participate fully in the Eucharistic celebration. At St. Theresa’s Parish, parents register their children for the sacrament in level 2 Catechism (on or after age 7). Parents are guided as to how they might educate their child in the formation towards this sacrament. By the use of prayer, resource books and materials, discussion, modeling and witnessing, parents participate fully with catechists in the preparation of their children for First Communion.
First Communion for adults occurs at the Easter Vigil, following preparation for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) see Adult Ministry.
Arrangements can also be made with Father Kelly to bring Communion to the home of sick or infirm parishioners, to ensure that the spiritual needs of those who are ill or shut-in will not be neglected.
Parents register their child to receive this sacrament for the first time when beginning Level 2 Catechism (on or after age 7). The procedure for preparation for the first sacrament of Reconciliation occurs at the same time as preparation for First Communion (see Eucharist above). At St. Theresa's Parish, children celebrate the sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation just before the sacrament of First Communion.
Individual confessions are heard every Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm prior to the Mass, or at other times by appointment. Reconciliation Services, followed by individual confessions are celebrated at St. Theresa's during Advent and Lent.
Confirmation is part of completing our initiation into the Body of Christ as full members of the Church. Though we received the Holy Spirit at our Baptism, at Confirmation we receive a new and fresh outpouring of the Spirit, with special gifts to help us as disciples of Christ to continue the mission of Jesus Christ through the Church. It is a time when baptised Catholics are invited to renew their commitment to Christ and to the Church. Confirmation usually takes place annually during Mass with our parish community. It is usually conferred by our Archbishop, although Pastors and other priests can be delegated to confer Confirmation. The requirements for this sacrament at St. Theresa's are that the candidate has made First Communion and is in at least grade 8. Candidates must also have completed Level 7 Catechism prior to taking the Confirmation classes. Contact the Catechism Coordinator for further information about confirmation for youth. (download the following file to open an Application for Confirmation )
Confirmation for those who are grade 11 or older occurs at the Easter Vigil, following preparation for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) see Adult Ministry. Please contact Father Kelly for further information.

Marriages are celebrated at St. Theresa's for those who are registered members of the parish. Please contact Father Kelly at least 6-12 months prior to the anticipated date of your wedding, to ensure enough time to complete the appropriate preparation. Couples who belong to other parishes, and are seeking marriage at St. Theresa's, must have the permission of their Pastor before their request can be considered. If you have been married before and are seeking to get married in the Church for a second time, no date can be given until a declaration of nullity has been given for the previous marriage (you may require an annulment from the Church). In all cases, a marriage preparation course must be taken. For additional information, download and read the brochure Marriage in the Catholic Church: Frequently Asked Questions published by the Catholic Organization for Life and Family.

Sacrament of the Sick
Whenever/wherever possible, family and community should be present at the celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick. Anyone wishing to celebrate this sacrament at other times and places, for themselves or a family member or friend, should make arrangements with Father Kelly or the Parish Office at 204-339-2649.
For more information on vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, or consecrated life (male and female, contemplative and apostolic), contact Father David at 204-339-2649.