Altar Serving Ministry

The Ministry of Altar Serving assists to ensure the celebration of the liturgy runs smoothly. A cross bearer/sacramentary holder and two acolytes participate in this ministry to bring dignity and grace to the each movement in the assembly’s act of worship. Any children in grade 4 or above, who have received First Communion, are eligible to become altar servers. Training sessions are conducted annually for new altar servers. Contact: Father David if your child wishes to become an altar server. Current altar servers should consult the schedule posted.

Prior to the liturgy

  • Those participating in the ministry of altar serving should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of liturgy.
  • Upon arrival, the altar servers sign in on the ministry schedule at the back of the church.
  • The altar servers should ensure that all items are ready for this ministry (i.e. processional cross, candles).
  • The altar servers group determines who will assume each of the following responsibilities for the liturgy: cross bearer/holder of the sacramentary book and acolytes (or candle bearers).

During the celebration of the liturgy

  • The altar servers carrying the processional cross and candles lead the entrance procession.
  • The acolytes process with the candles to the ambo for the Gospel and remain there during the Gospel reading.
  • During the gathering up of the assembly’s gifts, the altar servers prepare the altar for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
  • Altar servers assist the presider with the reception of the gifts.
  • The altar servers help both in the preparation of the chalice and the washing of hands.
  • At the conclusion of communion, the candle bearers assist in removing the chalice and ceboria from the altar.
  • The processional cross and candles lead the recessional procession.
  • All servers are also ready to assist with any other tasks that may arise during the Mass.

At the conclusion of the liturgy

  • At the conclusion of the liturgy altar servers hang up their vestments.