
First Communion


At the appropriate age and after a time of preparation, a child can be considered ready to participate fully in the Eucharistic celebration. At St. Theresa’s Parish, parents register their children for the sacrament in level 2 Catechism (on or after age 7). Parents are guided as to how they might educate their child in the formation towards this sacrament. By the use of prayer, resource books and materials, discussion, modeling and witnessing, parents participate fully with catechists in the preparation of their children for First Communion.


First Communion for adults occurs at the Easter Vigil, following preparation for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) see Adult Ministry.

Communion for Shut-ins

Arrangements can also be made with Father David to bring Communion to the home of sick or infirm parishioners, to ensure that the spiritual needs of those who are ill or shut-in will not be neglected.